A feast with the QualityFry equipment
QUALITYFRY Our Blog A feast with the QualityFry equipment

A feast with the QualityFry equipment

QualityFry celebrates its 10th anniversary with a corporate feast in its smoke-free, odor-free iQ fryers.

Any moment is perfect to share, that is why we have prepared a feast that you can adapt for your most important celebrations.

An anniversary feast with QualityFry

In order to prepare an excellent menu, we have elaborated two starters that will help whet your appetite, three varied first courses, four main courses made up of two meat dishes and two options with fish for all tastes and, of course, two exceptional desserts with fruit.

Let´s start!

For starters we have opted for some asparagus, mushrooms stuffed with bacon and some peas with ham, the latter prepared in roasting bags inside the fryer. Preparation times in QualityFry equipment are 2 minutes for asparagus and mushrooms and 1’30 minutes for peas with ham.

Our first courses are made up of a traditional recipe: eggplant battered with cane honey in 3’30min. And a chef’s suggestion: artichokes with ham flower and parmesan cheese in 2 minutes.

We are ready for our second courses, we have two options of fish and two of meat for all tastes. We start with a delicacy of intense flavor: red tuna tataki with sesame and wasabi mayonnaise, program the fryer with 1’15min and when it’s ready, cut it before serving. We continue with our cod recipe, flour the fish and place it in the fryer for 3’30min, accompany it with coriander mojo and some green and white asparagus. A perfect combination for your guests.

For our recipes with meat, we have prepared a marinated pork tenderloin in 1’45min, accompanied by a portion of padrón peppers and an oil and parsley sauce. To give an exquisite golden brown to our barbecue ribs, we program the fryer for 2 minutes and serve accompanied by some potato wedges. If you need a vegan menu here we have several options to surprise your customers.

And to finish we have chosen two desserts with fruits to prepare in our fryer: pineapple with ice cream and apple tarts.

If you need help to make your menu on our equipment, contact us and we will give you some alternatives. Prepare all kinds of sweet, salty, fresh or frozen foods with a single equipment.

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