QUALITYFRY, a Spanish company innovating in frying automation, is focusing its growth on sustainability in the professional kitchen. From the perspective that the catering sector is one of the main economic engines of the country and seeks a constant evolution, from our R&D&I department we work focused on finding new formulas to provide sustainable options in the market.
EcoFriendly technology and innovation
QUALITYFRY’s R&D&I department has developed an innovative closed and vertical frying module, which allows frying in the absence of light, humidity and oxygen, as opposed to the horizontal and open vats used historically. In this way, we minimise heat loss and ensure a constant oil temperature during frying, guaranteeing exceptional quality. We also increase the useful life of the oil by reducing its consumption.
We have developed the EcoFry technology which represents a great innovation and revolution in the FoodService sector. On the one hand, the equipment does not emit fumes or odours, reducing the ecological footprint during food processing and, on the other hand, this technology allows the improvement of prepared dishes while maintaining their nutritional value thanks to immersion frying. Our filters retain all impurities while emitting only water vapour, which means that we have managed to reduce harmful emissions compared to a conventional fryer.
In addition, our equipment is designed to be energy efficient, reducing electricity consumption by 24%, oil consumption by 37% and frying time by 27%.
The company’s commitment to sustainability and digitalisation goes beyond design and production, the Technical Assistance Service has implemented a remote support platform based on augmented reality with dedicated software, 4Romote, which overcomes both physical and linguistic barriers by offering automatic simultaneous translation. Through Smart Glasses, operators can provide both training and support anywhere in the world, reducing travel and thus reducing the carbon footprint.
Another measure to continue our commitment to the environment is our choice of suppliers. The oil we use in our facilities for all tests and demonstrations is recovered by a third party specifically chosen because it recycles this waste for the unique and exclusive manufacture of biofuels.
QUALITYFRY‘s innovative character has been recognised by the European Commission by awarding the company the Seal of Excellence under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, which promotes industrial leadership in Europe and strengthens the scientific basis of business projects.